TAPE 1258
Quality: EX (Master Convert)
Length: 86 min (DVD)
UWF TV - 1/3/87 (Year-in-Review show with lots of great highlights. I've got a convert from a
master, quality is EX.)
Terry Taylor vs Nightmare, 1/1/86 (JIP)
Terry Taylor vs Humongous, 1/1/86 (JIP)
Terry Taylor vs Jake Roberts, 2/11/86 (JIP)
Fantastics & Terry Taylor vs Sheepherders & Jack Victory, 5/25/86 (Barbed Wire Cage - JIP -
Flimsiest cage ever and Tommy Rogers actually jumps off of it! This is pretty bloody, too,
as you might imagine. These guys actually went around the horn doing these matches and
ended up getting ill from it. Ick.)
Hacksaw Duggan vs Buzz Sawyer, 3/16/86 (JIP - Hacksaw wins North American title)
Hacksaw Duggan vs Terry Gordy, 5/30/86 (JIP - Gordy wins UWF title tourney finals - One Man
Gang attacks Duggan before the match, injuring him. Watch the slow-mo and see Duggan's
head legit ram into an exposed bolt on the ringpost, tearing him up legit.)
Bill Watts going after Michael Hayes with a bat
Freebirds vs Bill Watts, Steve Williams & Ted Dibiase, 8/17/86 (Finish not shown)
Steve Williams vs Terry Gordy, 9/14/86 (JIP - double pinfall - stupid finish)
Steve Williams & Ted Dibiase vs Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts, 8/31/86 (JIP - Lumberjack
match - Hayes pulls out a belt and whips Dibase)
Michael Hayes & Ted Dibiase whipping each other, 9/14/86
Ted Dibiase & Terry Taylor vs Michael Hayes & Buddy Roberts, 10/12/86 (JIP)
Video Feature: The Valets
Fantastics vs John Tatum & Jack Victory, 10/12/86 (JIP - Tatum/Victory/Gilbert split)
Music Video "Young American" (Wow, does this suck...)
UWF TV - 1/10/87 (Another great episode of UWF TV. I've got a master convert, VQ is EX.)
Angel of Death vs Jeff Raitz
Fantastics vs Sting & Eddie Gilbert (Terry Gordy comes out and destroys both Fantastics)
Eli the Eliminator vs Bobby Perez
One Man Gang vs Ted Dibiase, PPW, 11/22/86 (JIP - Dibiase jobs cleanly to OMG)
Ted Dibiase vs Ken Massey (after the match, Dibiase challenges One Man Gang...)
Ted Dibiase vs One Man Gang (OMG decimates Dibiase, busting him open and pounding on him
before missing his splash and Dibiase getting a quick pin)
Leroy Brown & Bill Irwin vs Chavo Guerrero & Iceman Parsons (TV time runs out)