TAPE 1260
Quality: EX (Master Convert)
Length: 86 min (DVD)
UWF TV - 1/17/87 (Another great, full episode of this show. I've got a master convert, VQ is EX)
Terry Gordy destroying the Fantastics, 1/10/87
Missing Link & Iceman Parsons vs Jack Victory & Ken Massey
Ted Dibiase vs One Man Gang, 1/10/87
One Man Gang vs Bobby Perez
Interview w/Terry Gordy (They do this in an empty arena and it's a much calmer, more "normal"
style for Terry Gordy. Pretty cool.)
Hacksaw Duggan & Terry Taylor vs Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts (No match - Devastation Inc
attack Duggan & Taylor before the match, until Williams & Dibiase run off the Freebirds.
This leaves Duggan & Taylor unable to defend their tag titles, causing Michael Hayes on
commentary to rightfully go nuts when the titles aren't forfeited to the Freebirds like
the UWF title was to One Man Gang when Gordy couldn't defend. I always hated seeing heels
get screwed like this when I was a kid. Fair is fair, guys!)
UWF Top 10
Sting & Rick Steiner vs Gary Young & Jeff Raitz (the finish here is Steiner slingshotting
Sting into a splash on Raitz. Problem is, they butcher it and Sting lands headfirst on
Raitz. Looks really nasty. Truly a miracle neither guy was injured.)
Michael Hayes vs Savannah Jack (No match - the Freebirds triple-team Jack and Hayes steals
the UWF TV title belt)
Missy Hyatt vs Dark Journey (No match - Hyatt forfeits the match because of "injury" then
Sting/Steiner/Gilbert attack DJ. DJ gets away, though, and KOs Hyatt with her purse.)
UWF TV - 1/24/87 (Another full episode. I've got a master convert, VQ is EX.)
Dark Journey KOs Missy Hyatt, UWF TV, 1/17/87
Chavo Guerrero vs Art Crews
Eli the Eliminator vs Jeff Gaylord
Interview w/Skandor Akbar
Video Feature: The Freebirds (The 'birds created their own video to document how the UWF had
screwed them out of the UWF titles. When Gordy was injured and couldn't wrestle, they gave
his title to One Man Gang. But when Duggan & Taylor were injured, they weren't forced to
forfeit their titles. I'm with the Freebirds - this was BS!)
Savannah Jack vs Ken Massey
Ted Dibiase vs Mike George (Dibiase uses his black glove to KO George then uses it on One Man
Gang when he runs in)
Interview w/the Freebirds